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OSHA Online Training In Iowa

During the colonial era, Iowa was once a part of French and Spanish Louisiana, which is why its current flag resembles the original French flag. Following its independence, the State's economy transitioned from an agriculture-based economy to a diverse one encompassing various industries, including biotechnology, information technology, financial services such as insurance and banking, green-energy production, and manufacturing. Additionally, the tourism industry plays an integral role in the State's economy, thanks to popular attractions such as Fort Madison and Lewis-and-Clark State Park. Iowa has its own OSHA Iowa Official State Plan. OSHA Iowa State Plan is enforced on all public sector employees, employers, and most private companies. Iowa Occupational Safety and Health Administration (IOSHA) carries all the inspections and Standards implementations under the influence of the Department of Workforce Development.

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Why Is It Necessary To Take OSHA Iowa Certification? 

Usually, States adopt most of the Standards and Regulations from Federal OSHA Jurisdiction, but OSHA Iowa has some specific Standards in some areas: 

  • Hazardous Chemical Risks Right to Know (General Provision)
  • Railroad Workers: Sanitation and Shelter Rules

Moreover, the following employees, despite having a separate OSHA Iowa State Plan, fall under the OSHA Federal Jurisdiction: 

  • Employees appointed under federal Employment Policies 
  • Employees of the U.S. Postal Service and private USPS operations
  • Maritime employees of private companies 
  • Specific agricultural employees and operations
  • Military/munitions installations that the federal government owns and run by contractors
  • Building bridges over the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers connecting Iowa with surrounding states
  • Working conditions onboard aircraft employees in the operation
  • Any area, operations, contractor, and employees that IOSHA does not regulate

Furthermore, most of the Standards adopted by the OSHA Iowa State Plan are the same as Federal OSHA Standards, resulting in the OSHA Iowa training requirements being more or less identical. But, some of the standards indeed differ as, if an employee falls under the Iowa OSHA Jurisdiction, they need to complete training which covers State Specific Standards for Hazardous Chemical Risks Right to Know (General Provision) and Railroad Workers: Sanitation and Shelter Rules to perform relevant operations. 

Lastly, if you still do not understand the OSHA Iowa training requirements, you can take a consultation for compliance. OSHA Iowa does not mandate employees to take OSHA Iowa Certification. Still, since OSHA 10-Hour and OSHA 30-Hour cover a wide and descriptive range of Job Safety topics, OSHA suggests employees take OSHA Iowa Certification, which will result in completing job-specific safety topics and a general orientation of other safety concerns. 

Advantages Of Taking OSHA Safety Training In Iowa

The central vision has always been to promote job safety and a secure working environment by spreading practical job safety information to the relevant employees and employers. Still, after taking OSHA Iowa Certification, Workers and Employers benefit from several more perks, such as: 

  • Saving yourself and your company from heavy penalties and fines 
  • Building a positive reputation for the company in the market 
  • Decreases medical compensation and potential accidents and injuries



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