Welding, Cutting and Brazing, Parts 1-3

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Course Outline
Welding, Cutting and Brazing: Methods
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Knowledge Check: What Do You Think?
- Your Goals
2. Oxyacetylene Torch Safety
- Learning Activity: Oxyacetylene Welding
- Knowledge Check: Acetylene Cylinder Pressure
- Before Opening Cylinders
- When Opening Cylinders
- Before Lighting the Torch
- Lighting the Torch
- Knowledge Check: Lighting Oxyacetylene Torches
- Finishing the Job
3. Welding Gas Cylinder Safety
- Securing Welding Gas Cylinders
- Knowledge Check: Cylinder Storage
4. Arc Welding
- Arc Welding
- Knowledge Check: Arc Welding Hazards
- Safety
5. Positioning and Personal Protective Equipment
- Body Position
- Clothing
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Knowledge Check: Lenses
- Helmets and Goggles
6. Conclusion
- Summary
Welding, Cutting and Brazing: Safety Concerns
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Knowledge Check: Hot Work
- Your Goals
2. Work Area
- Hot Work Permit System
- Hot Work Precautions
- Work Area
- Combustible Materials
- Knowledge Check: Responsibility
- Knowledge Check: Safe Distance
- Questions or Concerns
3. Fire Safety
- Knowledge Check: Fire Safety
- Fire Extinguishers
- Sprinklers and Escape Routes
4. Welding or Cutting Containers
- Welding or Cutting of Containers
- Empty Containers
- Knowledge Check: Containers
5. Conclusion
- Summary
Welding, Cutting and Brazing: Health Concerns
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Health Concerns
- Your Goals
2. Welding Fume Hazards
- Hot Work Welding Fumes
- Activity: Zinc, Cadmium and Beryllium
- Activity: Iron
- Activity: Mercury and Lead
- Paint and Other Coatings
- Fluorides and Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Solvents
- Activity: Carbon Monoxide
- Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides
- Hexavalent Chromium
- Activity: Chemical Hazards
3. Welding Fume Hazard Controls
- Activity: Controls
- Clothing
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Activity: Welding Fume Hazard Controls
4. Radiation and Light Hazards
- Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)
- Infrared Radiation (IR)
- Visible Light
- Activity: Radiation and Light Hazards
5. Conclusion
- Summary
Why do workers need Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Safety Training?
Who should take Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Safety Training?
How can I find a reliable Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Safety Training course?
Is the Industrial Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Training course different than the welding and cutting course of construction?
Can I get a welding cutting and blazing certificate from Osha?
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