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Warehouse Safety - Global

Warehouse Safety - Global

Carl had worked in a warehouse for about a year. He liked his job, and he felt safe doing it. He appreciated that because his old job had involved working with dangerous machinery, and someone he knew had been badly hurt last year. Sure, the warehouse had a few machines you had to be careful around, but they were nothing compared to what he had worked with before. One day when a lot of people were out with the flu, several large shipments arrived. The available workers found it challenging to get everything done and be as careful as usual. Just before the end of his shift, Carl passed by a stack of boxes that looked unstable. He knew he couldn’t just leave them like that, because they might fall on someone. Earlier, they had stacked those boxes in pairs. But no one else was around and Carl was anxious to leave so he could get to his son’s soccer game on time. So he decided to just do it himself. The boxes were pretty heavy. He couldn’t get one of the boxes to move forward on the first pull, so he gave it a good yank and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground looking up at a few of his co-workers. One of them was on a cell phone, saying “Oh, I think he just regained consciousness.” Carl started to get up, but one of his other co-workers said: “Don’t you move until the paramedics get here.” It turned out that the boxes falling on Carl only gave him a minor concussion and a broken bone in his left foot. The foot would heal quickly, but he wouldn’t be able to play in the father-son soccer game next week. Upon reflection, Carl realized that he had been lucky, but he dreaded explaining the situation to his son. Ironically, just a few days before, Carl had lost his temper and yelled at his son for breaking something by trying to get it off a high shelf without an adult’s help. Carl felt like the world’s worst role model.

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Learning Objectives

  • Identify safe material handling and storage procedures.
  • Recall safe lifting techniques.
  • Recognize correct vehicle and equipment use protocols.
  • Name emergency prevention and preparation steps.

Course Outline

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Storing and Handling Materials

    1. Racks and Pallets
    2. Storing Materials
    3. Knowledge Check: Securing Loads
    4. Knowledge Check: Item Storage
    5. Stacking Materials
    6. Manual Material Handling
    7. Pinch Points
    8. Machine Guards
    9. Knowledge Check: Machine Guards
  • 3. Ergonomics and Lifting

    1. Ergonomics
    2. Lifting
    3. Lift Planning
    4. Positioning
    5. Lifting with Your Legs
    6. Setting Down the Load
    7. Learning Activity: Proper Lifting Techniques
  • 4. Loading Docks

    1. Loading Dock Injuries
    2. Preventing Dock Injuries
    3. Trailers
    4. Knowledge Check: Loading Docks
    5. Knowledge Check: Loading Dock Safety
  • 5. Powered Industrial Trucks

    1. Powered Industrial Trucks
    2. Powered Industrial Truck Training
    3. Powered Industrial Truck Inspections
    4. Safety Equipment
    5. Caution
    6. Knowledge Check: Powered Industrial Trucks
  • 6. Conveyors

    1. Conveyors
    2. Conveyor Controls
    3. Conveyor Guards
    4. Crossing Conveyors
    5. Conveyor Inspection and Maintenance
    6. Knowledge Check: Conveyors
    7. Knowledge Check: Conveyor Guards
  • 7. mergency Planning and Prevention

    1. Egress
    2. Fire Extinguishers
    3. Sprinkler Systems
    4. Learning Activity: Emergencies
    5. Chemicals
    6. Chemical Storage
    7. Spill Control Plans
    8. Carbon Monoxide
    9. Personal Protective Equipment
    10. Housekeeping
    11. Learning Activity: Emergency Planning and Prevention
  • 8. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

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Warehouse Safety - Global

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