Warehouse Safety - Global

Satisfied Customers
Learning Objectives
- Identify safe material handling and storage procedures.
- Recall safe lifting techniques.
- Recognize correct vehicle and equipment use protocols.
- Name emergency prevention and preparation steps.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Introduction
- Learning Objectives
2. Storing and Handling Materials
- Racks and Pallets
- Storing Materials
- Knowledge Check: Securing Loads
- Knowledge Check: Item Storage
- Stacking Materials
- Manual Material Handling
- Pinch Points
- Machine Guards
- Knowledge Check: Machine Guards
3. Ergonomics and Lifting
- Ergonomics
- Lifting
- Lift Planning
- Positioning
- Lifting with Your Legs
- Setting Down the Load
- Learning Activity: Proper Lifting Techniques
4. Loading Docks
- Loading Dock Injuries
- Preventing Dock Injuries
- Trailers
- Knowledge Check: Loading Docks
- Knowledge Check: Loading Dock Safety
5. Powered Industrial Trucks
- Powered Industrial Trucks
- Powered Industrial Truck Training
- Powered Industrial Truck Inspections
- Safety Equipment
- Caution
- Knowledge Check: Powered Industrial Trucks
6. Conveyors
- Conveyors
- Conveyor Controls
- Conveyor Guards
- Crossing Conveyors
- Conveyor Inspection and Maintenance
- Knowledge Check: Conveyors
- Knowledge Check: Conveyor Guards
7. mergency Planning and Prevention
- Egress
- Fire Extinguishers
- Sprinkler Systems
- Learning Activity: Emergencies
- Chemicals
- Chemical Storage
- Spill Control Plans
- Carbon Monoxide
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Housekeeping
- Learning Activity: Emergency Planning and Prevention
8. Conclusion
- Conclusion
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