Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers CA AB 1825 and 2053 Suite
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Course Outline
Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (US)
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Overview
- Topics
- Your Role as a Manager
- Know and Act
- Managing Your Employees
- Training
- Learning Objectives
2. Scenarios: What Would You Do?
- Harassment Scenarios
- Scenario #1
- Scenario #2
- Scenario #3
- Scenario #4
- Scenario #5
3. Reasons for Harassment
- Knowledge Check: What Do You Think ?
- Ignorance
- Power and Lust
- A Need for Education and Awareness
- What You Can Do
- Human Resources Can Help
4. Defining Sexual Harassment
- A Changing Definition
- Common-Sense Definition of Sexual Harassment
- Deliberate, Repeated, Pervasive
- Unwelcome and Offensive
- Severity and Frequency
- Speak Up
- The Legal Definition: Sexual Harassment
- The Legal Definition: Quid Pro Quo
- The Legal Definition: Hostile Work Environment
- Proof of Hostile Environment
- Harassment by Non-Employees
- Co-Employment Relationships
- Same-Sex and Third-Party Harassment
- Constructive Discharge
- Retaliatory Conduct
- Sexual Favoritism
- Learning Activity: Definitions
5. Prevalence of Harassment
- How Prevalent Is Sexual Harassment?
- Learning Activity: How Prevalent Is Sexual Harassment?
- Learning Activity: Who Is Harassing?
6. History
- The History of Sexual Harassment
- 1960s
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 1982
- 1983
- 1985
- 1986
- 1990s
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1998
- 1998 and 2000
- 2006
- 2009
7. Lawsuits and Other Costs
- Damages Under the Law
- Compensatory Damages
- Punitive Damages
- The Cost of Sexual Harassment
- More Costs of Sexual Harassment
- Statute of Limitations
8. Tort Law
- Tort Law
- Applicable Torts
- Torts: Assault and Battery
- Torts: False Imprisonment
- Torts: Emotional Distress
- Torts: Defamation
- Knowledge Check: Tort-Law Scenario #1
- Knowledge Check: Tort-Law Scenario #2
9. Punitive Damages and Hidden Costs
- Tort Damages
- Hidden Costs of Lawsuits
- Time and Reputation
- Other Costs
10. Conclusion
- Conclusion
Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention for Managers (California AB 1825 and 2053)
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Sexual Harassment at the State Level: California
- This Course
- Legal Landscape
- Definition of Harassment
- California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
- Learning Objectives
- Common-Sense Definition of Sexual Harassment
- Typical Sexual Harassment Complaints
- Effects of Sexual Harassment
- Verbal, Physical and Visual Harassment
- Quid Pro Quo Harassment
- Hostile Environment Harassment
- Reasonable Person
2. California Law
- Training
- Trainees
- Definition of Abusive Conduct
- Negative Effects of Abusive Conduct
- Role of the Manager
- Be a Role Model and Know the Rules
- Be Proactive
- Respond and Report
- What Is Limited Confidentiality?
- Knowledge Check: Manager Obligations
- Knowledge Check: California Law
- Protected Characteristics
- Activity: FEHA – Protected Characteristics: Part 1
- Activity: FEHA – Protected Characteristics: Part 2
- Activity: FEHA – Protected Characteristics: Part 3
- Activity: FEHA – Protected Characteristics: Part 4
- What Is Discrimination?
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
- Knowledge Check: Non-Employees
3. Liability and Investigations
- Employer Liability
- Investigations
- Complaints and Lawsuits
- Required Steps
- Brochure Contents
- Knowledge Check: Required Steps
4. Gender Law
- California Law AB 196
- California Law SB 396
- Amendment the Unemployment Insurance Code (UIC)
- Definition of Transgender
- Transgender and Transitioning Employees
- Knowledge Check: Transgender and Transitioning Employees
- Knowledge Check: Sexual Orientation
5. California Court Cases
- California Law
- Weeks v. Baker & McKenzie
- Department of Health Services v. Superior Court of Sacramento
- Employer Requirements
- Salazar v. Diversified Paratransit, Inc.
- Salazar v. Diversified Paratransit, Inc. Ruling
- Carrisales v. Department of Corrections
- Carrisales v. Department of Corrections: AB 1856
- California Law: Other Cases
- California Law: More Cases
- Knowledge Check: Salazar v. Diversified Paratransit
- Knowledge Check: Carrisales v. the Department of Corrections
- Knowledge Check: Weeks v. Baker & McKenzie
- Knowledge Check: Department of Health Services v. the Superior Court of Sacramento
- Prevention of Retaliation
- FEHA Statute on Retaliation
6. Management Response and Company Policy
- Speaking with Employees
- Consequences and Follow-Up
- How Would You Respond?
- Learning Activity: How Would You Respond?
- Challenging Employees
- Reasonable Person Test
- Challenges to Acceptance
- Company Policy
- What an Effective Policy Does
- Elements of an Effective Sexual Harassment Policy
- More Elements of an Effective Sexual Harassment Policy
7. Harassment Prevention
- Protecting Against Liability
- Being Proactive: Keep the Policy Alive
- Being Proactive: Involve Everyone
- Being Proactive: Educate Your Employees
- Being Proactive: Management by Walking Around
- Warning Signs of Sexual Harassment
- Knowledge Check: What Would You Do?
- Knowledge Check: Uncomfortable Conversation
8. Taking Action
- What If You Observe Sexual Harassment or Abusive Conduct?
- Handling a Complaint: First Steps
- Handling a Complaint: Notes and Discussion
- Handling a Complaint: Gather Facts
- Handling a Complaint: Next Steps
- Knowledge Check: How Could You Help?
- What If You Are Accused?
- Harassment Scenarios
- Knowledge Check: Dating a Manager
- Knowledge Check: Sexual Orientation
9. Conclusion
- Summary
- Be Vigilant
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