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Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers CA AB 1825 and 2053 Suite

Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers CA AB 1825 and 2053 Suite

This course fulfills the California AB 1825 and AB 2053 requirement that employers of 50 or more employees educate supervisors about sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation and abusive conduct every two years. Senate Bill (SB) 396 amends California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) to include prevention of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. Potential harassment, discrimination, retaliation or abusive conduct can appear anywhere in the work environment and in many different forms. As a manager, you need to be on constant alert as to what is going on in the workplace and know how to deal with inappropriate and illegal behaviors. This course provides practical examples designed to raise management awareness of the potential employee issues and the legal liabilities associated with such conduct.

$ 59.00
CEU 0.2
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Course Outline

Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Overview
    3. Topics
    4. Your Role as a Manager
    5. Know and Act
    6. Managing Your Employees
    7. Training
    8. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Scenarios: What Would You Do?

    1. Harassment Scenarios
    2. Scenario #1
    3. Scenario #2
    4. Scenario #3
    5. Scenario #4
    6. Scenario #5
  • 3. Reasons for Harassment

    1. Knowledge Check: What Do You Think ?
    2. Ignorance
    3. Power and Lust
    4. A Need for Education and Awareness
    5. What You Can Do
    6. Human Resources Can Help
  • 4. Defining Sexual Harassment

    1. A Changing Definition
    2. Common-Sense Definition of Sexual Harassment
    3. Deliberate, Repeated, Pervasive
    4. Unwelcome and Offensive
    5. Severity and Frequency
    6. Speak Up
    7. The Legal Definition: Sexual Harassment
    8. The Legal Definition: Quid Pro Quo
    9. The Legal Definition: Hostile Work Environment
    10. Proof of Hostile Environment
    11. Harassment by Non-Employees
    12. Co-Employment Relationships
    13. Same-Sex and Third-Party Harassment
    14. Constructive Discharge
    15. Retaliatory Conduct
    16. Sexual Favoritism
    17. Learning Activity: Definitions
  • 5. Prevalence of Harassment

    1. How Prevalent Is Sexual Harassment?
    2. Learning Activity: How Prevalent Is Sexual Harassment?
    3. Learning Activity: Who Is Harassing?
  • 6. History

    1. The History of Sexual Harassment
    2. 1960s
    3. 1970s
    4. 1980s
    5. 1982
    6. 1983
    7. 1985
    8. 1986
    9. 1990s
    10. 1991
    11. 1992
    12. 1993
    13. 1994
    14. 1998
    15. 1998 and 2000
    16. 2006
    17. 2009
  • 7. Lawsuits and Other Costs

    1. Damages Under the Law
    2. Compensatory Damages
    3. Punitive Damages
    4. The Cost of Sexual Harassment
    5. More Costs of Sexual Harassment
    6. Statute of Limitations
  • 8. Tort Law

    1. Tort Law
    2. Applicable Torts
    3. Torts: Assault and Battery
    4. Torts: False Imprisonment
    5. Torts: Emotional Distress
    6. Torts: Defamation
    7. Knowledge Check: Tort-Law Scenario #1
    8. Knowledge Check: Tort-Law Scenario #2
  • 9. Punitive Damages and Hidden Costs

    1. Tort Damages
    2. Hidden Costs of Lawsuits
    3. Time and Reputation
    4. Other Costs
  • 10. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention for Managers (California AB 1825 and 2053)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Sexual Harassment at the State Level: California
    3. This Course
    4. Legal Landscape
    5. Definition of Harassment
    6. California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
    7. Learning Objectives
    8. Common-Sense Definition of Sexual Harassment
    9. Typical Sexual Harassment Complaints
    10. Effects of Sexual Harassment
    11. Verbal, Physical and Visual Harassment
    12. Quid Pro Quo Harassment
    13. Hostile Environment Harassment
    14. Reasonable Person
  • 2. California Law

    1. Training
    2. Trainees
    3. Definition of Abusive Conduct
    4. Negative Effects of Abusive Conduct
    5. Role of the Manager
    6. Be a Role Model and Know the Rules
    7. Be Proactive
    8. Respond and Report
    9. What Is Limited Confidentiality?
    10. Knowledge Check: Manager Obligations
    11. Knowledge Check: California Law
    12. Protected Characteristics
    13. Activity: FEHA – Protected Characteristics: Part 1
    14. Activity: FEHA – Protected Characteristics: Part 2
    15. Activity: FEHA – Protected Characteristics: Part 3
    16. Activity: FEHA – Protected Characteristics: Part 4
    17. What Is Discrimination?
    18. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
    19. Knowledge Check: Non-Employees
  • 3. Liability and Investigations

    1. Employer Liability
    2. Investigations
    3. Complaints and Lawsuits
    4. Required Steps
    5. Brochure Contents
    6. Knowledge Check: Required Steps
  • 4. Gender Law

    1. California Law AB 196
    2. California Law SB 396
    3. Amendment the Unemployment Insurance Code (UIC)
    4. Definition of Transgender
    5. Transgender and Transitioning Employees
    6. Knowledge Check: Transgender and Transitioning Employees
    7. Knowledge Check: Sexual Orientation
  • 5. California Court Cases

    1. California Law
    2. Weeks v. Baker & McKenzie
    3. Department of Health Services v. Superior Court of Sacramento
    4. Employer Requirements
    5. Salazar v. Diversified Paratransit, Inc.
    6. Salazar v. Diversified Paratransit, Inc. Ruling
    7. Carrisales v. Department of Corrections
    8. Carrisales v. Department of Corrections: AB 1856
    9. California Law: Other Cases
    10. California Law: More Cases
    11. Knowledge Check: Salazar v. Diversified Paratransit
    12. Knowledge Check: Carrisales v. the Department of Corrections
    13. Knowledge Check: Weeks v. Baker & McKenzie
    14. Knowledge Check: Department of Health Services v. the Superior Court of Sacramento
    15. Prevention of Retaliation
    16. FEHA Statute on Retaliation
  • 6. Management Response and Company Policy

    1. Speaking with Employees
    2. Consequences and Follow-Up
    3. How Would You Respond?
    4. Learning Activity: How Would You Respond?
    5. Challenging Employees
    6. Reasonable Person Test
    7. Challenges to Acceptance
    8. Company Policy
    9. What an Effective Policy Does
    10. Elements of an Effective Sexual Harassment Policy
    11. More Elements of an Effective Sexual Harassment Policy
  • 7. Harassment Prevention

    1. Protecting Against Liability
    2. Being Proactive: Keep the Policy Alive
    3. Being Proactive: Involve Everyone
    4. Being Proactive: Educate Your Employees
    5. Being Proactive: Management by Walking Around
    6. Warning Signs of Sexual Harassment
    7. Knowledge Check: What Would You Do?
    8. Knowledge Check: Uncomfortable Conversation
  • 8. Taking Action

    1. What If You Observe Sexual Harassment or Abusive Conduct?
    2. Handling a Complaint: First Steps
    3. Handling a Complaint: Notes and Discussion
    4. Handling a Complaint: Gather Facts
    5. Handling a Complaint: Next Steps
    6. Knowledge Check: How Could You Help?
    7. What If You Are Accused?
    8. Harassment Scenarios
    9. Knowledge Check: Dating a Manager
    10. Knowledge Check: Sexual Orientation
  • 9. Conclusion

    1. Summary
    2. Be Vigilant

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Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers CA AB 1825 and 2053 Suite

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