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Safety and You for Construction: Encouraging Safe Work

Safety and You for Construction: Encouraging Safe Work

Every day, the employees you supervise make choices that affect their safety and the safety of everyone on your jobsite. What motivates their choices? Are there ways you can influence them to act safely? Take this course to find out! Ideal learners are construction supervisors and managers.

$ 29.95
CEU 0.0
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Learning Objectives

  • Know common reasons that people take risks.
  • Recognize how to motivate safe actions.
  • Recall how to effectively provide feedback about work performance.

Course Outline

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Employees Acting at Risk

    1. Why Aren't Traditional Approaches to Safety Enough?
    2. Activity: Employee Explanations
    3. Conditions and Awareness
    4. Conditions and Awareness (Continued)
    5. Natural Rewards and Punishments
  • 3. Rewards and Discipline

    1. Potential Disadvantages of Discipline
    2. Managing Behavior Using Reward Rather Than Discipline
    3. What Do You Expect When You Hear...
    4. Using Positive Feedback to Motivate Safe Behavior
    5. Reward for Performance
    6. Everyday Praise
    7. How to Give Supportive Positive Feedback
    8. Activity: Timing
  • 4. Employee Performance and Feedback

    1. Compounding Risks
    2. How to Give Corrective Feedback Effectively
    3. Activity: Show Concern
    4. Constructive Feedback
    5. Activity: Positive Feedback
  • 5. Conclusion

    1. Summary

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Safety and You for Construction: Encouraging Safe Work

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