Safety and You for Construction: Encouraging Safe Work
Satisfied Customers
Learning Objectives
- Know common reasons that people take risks.
- Recognize how to motivate safe actions.
- Recall how to effectively provide feedback about work performance.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Introduction
- Learning Objectives
2. Employees Acting at Risk
- Why Aren't Traditional Approaches to Safety Enough?
- Activity: Employee Explanations
- Conditions and Awareness
- Conditions and Awareness (Continued)
- Natural Rewards and Punishments
3. Rewards and Discipline
- Potential Disadvantages of Discipline
- Managing Behavior Using Reward Rather Than Discipline
- What Do You Expect When You Hear...
- Using Positive Feedback to Motivate Safe Behavior
- Reward for Performance
- Everyday Praise
- How to Give Supportive Positive Feedback
- Activity: Timing
4. Employee Performance and Feedback
- Compounding Risks
- How to Give Corrective Feedback Effectively
- Activity: Show Concern
- Constructive Feedback
- Activity: Positive Feedback
5. Conclusion
- Summary
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