Recognizing and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
Satisfied Customers
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the circumstances that can cause actual or potential conflicts of interest.
- Recognize the steps to take to avoid these conflicts or to properly disclose them when they occur.
Course Outline
1. Overview
- About this course…
2. Definitions and Guidelines
- Examples of Conflicts of Interest
- Ethical Decision Making Process
3. Consequences of Conflicts of Interest
- Conflicts of Interest Cases
4. Outside Activities or Interest
- Outside Activities or Interests
- Question Consideration
- Scenario
- Scenario Conclusion
5. Relationships
- Relationships
- Question Consideration
- Scenario
- Scenario Conclusion
6. Business Courtesies
- Business Courtesies
- Guidelines for Business Courtesies
7. Reporting Potential Conflicts of Interest
- Reporting Examples
- Reporting Guidance
- Reporting Outcomes
8. Conclusion
- Conclusion
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