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Recognizing and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

Recognizing and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

Welcome to Recognizing and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest training. Your reputation and the company’s reputation are at stake. Therefore, it is critical to both our business success and our outstanding reputation that all your business decisions be made in the best interest of our company. Employees are expected to act in the best interests of our company. Each of us is responsible for examining our personal ties for potential conflicts of interest, and for reporting them if they exist. Your participation in this training will help you understand the law and our company’s policies regarding conflicts of interest.

$ 99.95
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Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the circumstances that can cause actual or potential conflicts of interest.
  • Recognize the steps to take to avoid these conflicts or to properly disclose them when they occur.

Course Outline

  • 1. Overview

    1. About this course…
  • 2. Definitions and Guidelines

    1. Examples of Conflicts of Interest
    2. Ethical Decision Making Process
  • 3. Consequences of Conflicts of Interest

    1. Conflicts of Interest Cases
  • 4. Outside Activities or Interest

    1. Outside Activities or Interests
    2. Question Consideration
    3. Scenario
    4. Scenario Conclusion
  • 5. Relationships

    1. Relationships
    2. Question Consideration
    3. Scenario
    4. Scenario Conclusion
  • 6. Business Courtesies

    1. Business Courtesies
    2. Guidelines for Business Courtesies
  • 7. Reporting Potential Conflicts of Interest

    1. Reporting Examples
    2. Reporting Guidance
    3. Reporting Outcomes
  • 8. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

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Recognizing and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

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