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Physical and Network Security

Physical and Network Security

The increasing frequency of cyberattacks and the ability to distribute information electronically are important factors in requiring constant vigilance to protect confidential company information. To prevent this type of incident from happening to our company, security measures — both physical and digital — must work together to protect our company’s confidential data. This course will help you gain a better understanding of policies and procedures on physical and network security.

$ 99.95
CEU 0.0
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Learning Objectives

  • Recognize security risks to our company’s physical and virtual assets.
  • Identify your responsibilities for protecting all of these resources.
  • Recognize requirements and guidelines for maintaining physical and network security.

Course Outline

  • 1. Overview

    1. About this course…
  • 2. The Security Mindset

    1. Identifying Company Resources
    2. Developing a Security Mindset
    3. Why a Security Mindset?
    4. Security Practices
    5. Becoming Security Minded
    6. How Security-Minded Are You?
  • 3. Physical Security

    1. Physical Assets
    2. Photo ID Badges
    3. Preventing Unauthorized Access
    4. Bypassing Security Systems
    5. Security Breaches
  • 4. Virtual Data Security

    1. Virtual Assets
    2. Responsible Use of Email
    3. Company Email
    4. Monitoring of E-Resources
    5. Business Use Only
    6. Blogs
  • 5. Use of the Internet

    1. Legitimate Use of the Internet
    2. Restricted Use of the Internet
    3. Securing Virtual Assets
    4. Social Engineering
    5. How Social Engineering Works?
    6. Keys to Protection
  • 6. Proprietary Information

    1. Proprietary Information
    2. Types of Proprietary Information
    3. Protecting Proprietary Information
    4. Taking Responsibility
  • 7. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

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Physical and Network Security

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