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Ladder Safety Awareness

Ladder Safety Awareness

Obviously, falling off a ladder can injure you. But did you know that falling just 4 feet (or 1 meter) can actually kill you? If there is ever a chance you will use a ladder at work, you need to use it safely. This program covers the types of ladders as well as guidelines for proper ladder safety and inspection. Ideal learners include all employees who use ladders.

$ 29.95
CEU 0.0
Bullet Points Green Tick Complete Online Bullet Points Green TickCompletion Certificate Bullet Points Green TickJob Aid

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Learning Objectives

  • Recognize types of ladders.
  • Recall guidelines for ladder safety and inspection.
  • Explain how to use a ladder properly.

Course Outline

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction Question 1
    3. Introduction Question 2
    4. Introduction Question 3
    5. Introduction (continued)
    6. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Ladder Types

    1. Portable Ladders
    2. Safety Label Information
  • 3. Inspection

    1. Overall Inspection
    2. Specific Inspection
    3. Knowledge Check: Ladder Defects
  • 4. Ladder Setup

    1. Inspect the Area Where It Will Be Used
    2. Extension Ladder Placement
    3. Setting up Extension or Straight Ladders
    4. Verify Safe Setup
    5. Learning Activity: Fill in the Blanks
  • 5. Ladder Usage

    1. Safe Usage Guidelines
    2. More Safe Usage Guidelines
    3. Learning Activity: Ladder Usage
  • 6. Summary

    1. Summary

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Ladder Safety Awareness

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