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Laboratory Biosafety, Parts 1-2 (US)

Laboratory Biosafety, Parts 1-2 (US)

When you work in a laboratory environment, you need to know what infectious materials are present and how to manage the associated risks. Take this course to learn about how exposure to infections materials can occur and to take an in-depth look at the components of the risk management process used to determine appropriate biosafety levels for clinical and research laboratories. You will also learn about common classification systems used with potentially infectious biological materials and biosafety levels that describe containment standards for these materials. This course describes the duties of the laboratory director, as well as pertinent regulations regarding transportation and importation of agents and vectors capable of causing human disease. Finally, this training will provide the definition and purpose of laboratory biosecurity and associated components as well as an overview of facility and biosafety level requirements for research laboratories dealing with infectious diseas

$ 29.95
CEU 0.1
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Course Outline

Understanding Risk (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Routes of Exposure

    1. Routes of Exposure
    2. Ways Exposure Can Occur at Work
    3. Cuts and Punctures
    4. Ingestion and Absorption
    5. Inhalation
    6. Activity: Routes of Exposure
  • 3. Classification Systems

    1. Classification Systems: Risk Groups
    2. Biological Agents by Risk Group
    3. Resources for Classifying Agents
    4. Activity: Risk Groups
    5. Classification of Biosafety Levels
    6. Considerations
    7. Risk Groups and Biosafety Levels
    8. Biosafety Level Designations
    9. Activity: Biosafety Level Designations
  • 4. Risk Assessment

    1. Assessing Agents
    2. Reservoir and Portal of Escape
    3. Method of Transmission and Routes of Entry
    4. Susceptible Hosts and Incubation Period
    5. Activity: Assessing Agents
    6. Risk Management
    7. Managing Risks
    8. Break the Chain of Infection
    9. Ways to Break the Chain of Infection
  • 5. Activity: Risk Assessment

  • 6. Conclusion

    1. Summary

Controlling Risk (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Engineering Controls

    1. Facility Design
    2. Design Considerations
    3. Waste
    4. Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)
    5. BSCs: Environmental Protection
    6. Activity: BSCs
    7. Activity: Design Considerations
  • 3. Administrative Controls

    1. Labels
    2. Signs
    3. Activity: Administrative Controls 1
  • 4. Work Practice Controls

    1. General Precautions
    2. Work Areas
    3. Hand and Shoes
    4. Laboratory Cleanliness Definitions
    5. Disinfection
    6. Pipetting
    7. Biological Material
    8. Centrifuging
    9. Activity: Work Practice Controls
  • 5. BSCs, Sharps and Waste

    1. Proper Use of Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)
    2. BSCs: Airflow
    3. BSCs: Ventilation, Healing and Materials
    4. BSCs: Recommended Practices
    5. Needles and Other Sharps
    6. Glassware
    7. Contaminated Sharps
    8. Activity: Broken Glass
    9. Activity: Contaminated Sharps
  • 6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    1. Gloves
    2. Glove Material, Replacement and Removal
    3. Lab Coats and Uniforms
    4. Eye and Face Protection
    5. Surgical Masks and Respirators
    6. Activity: Lab Coats and Uniforms
    7. Activity: PPE
  • 7. Spill Procedures and Emergencies

    1. Spill Control Plan
    2. Spill Response
    3. Spill Locations
    4. Spill Procedures
    5. Emergencies
    6. What Do I Do If I Am Exposed?
    7. Activity: Emergencies
  • 8. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

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Laboratory Biosafety, Parts 1-2 (US)

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