Industrial Ergonomics for California
Satisfied Customers
Learning Objectives
- Identify the signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders.
- Recognize workplace risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders.
- Identify general methods for controlling these risk factors.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Introduction
- Learning Objectives
2. MSDs and Ergonomics Programs
- MSD Signs and Symptoms
- Ergonomics Program
- Ergonomics Program - Repetitive Motion Injury
- Ergonomics Program - Employer Responsibilities
- Knowledge Check
3. Symptoms and Risk Factors
- Reporting Signs and Symptoms
- Risk Factors
- Common Risk Factors
- Other Risk Factors
- Knowledge Check
4. Prevention
- Prevention
- Engineering Controls
- Work Practice (Administrative) Controls
- Prevention Strategies
- Avoid Repetition
- Awkward Postures
- Neutral Postures
- Positions to Avoid
- Learning Activity
5. Standing and Lifting
- Standing
- Workspace Layout
- Material Handling and Lifting
- Plan Your Lift
- Position Yourself
- Lift with Your Legs, Not Your Back
- Set the Load Down Correctly
- Get Help, If Needed
- Learning Activity
6. Contact Stress and Hand Tool Use
- Contact Stress
- Hand Tool Use
- Use the Proper Tools
- Use the Proper Tools, continued
- Knowledge Check
7. Vibration and Other Factors
- Vibration
- Reduce Vibration
- Other Factors
8. PPE
- Glove Selection
- Footwear/Anti-Fatigue Insoles
- Kneepads and Back Belts
9. Conclusion
- Review
- Conclusion
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