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Hearing Conservation Awareness

Hearing Conservation Awareness

Did you know that most noise-related hearing loss is completely preventable? In this course you will learn about the noise risks in your workplace and what you need to do to protect your hearing. Ideal learners include all employees who work with noisy tools or equipment or in loud environments.

$ 29.95
CEU 0.0
Bullet Points Green Tick Complete Online Bullet Points Green TickCompletion Certificate Bullet Points Green TickJob Aid

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Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the effects of noise on hearing.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various types of hearing protection.

Course Outline

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction Knowledge Check 1
    3. Introduction Knowledge Check 2
    4. Introduction Knowledge Check 3
    5. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Noise and Hearing

    1. Noise and Hearing
    2. Signs of Hearing Loss
    3. Learning Activity: Signs of Hearing Loss
    4. Decibels
    5. Knowledge Check: Noise Levels
  • 3. Hearing Protection

    1. Hearing Protection
    2. Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)
  • 4. Types of Protection

    1. Single-use Earplugs
    2. Pre-molded Earplugs
    3. Canal Caps
    4. Earmuffs
    5. Learning Activity: Types of Hearing Protection
  • 5. Summary

    1. Summary

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Hearing Conservation Awareness

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