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Hand and Power Tool Safety for Construction, Parts 1-2

Hand and Power Tool Safety for Construction, Parts 1-2

You can avoid injuries by selecting and using hand and power tools in a safe way. This suite of courses will help you understand the hazards associated with different tools and what precautions you can take to work safely. This suite is ideal for all construction workers.

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Course Outline

Hand Tool Safety for Construction

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Overview
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. General Hazards and Precautions

    1. Hand Tools
    2. Hazards Associated with Hand Tools
    3. Preventing Falling Objects
    4. Working with Sharp Tools
    5. Rejecting Defective Tools
    6. Using the Right Tools
    7. Taking Care of Yourself
  • 3. Striking, Tightening and Loosening Tools

    1. Precautions for Specific Types of Hand Tools
    2. Striking Tools
    3. Tightening and Loosening Tools
  • 4. Cutting and Scissor-Type Tools

    1. Cutting Tools
    2. Scissor-type Tools
  • 5. Prying, Digging and Smoothing Tools

    1. Prying Tools
    2. Digging Tools
    3. Smoothing Tools
  • 6. Conclusion

    1. Summary

Power Tool Safety for Construction

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Power Tool Hazards

    1. Hand and Power Tools
    2. General Hazards
    3. Power Source Hazards
  • 3. Precautions

    1. Cords and Hoses
    2. Securing and Carrying Tools
    3. Maintenance and Safety Guards
    4. Electrical Tools
    5. Powered Abrasive Wheel Tools
    6. Pneumatic Tools
    7. Cartridge (Powder or Explosive) Tools
    8. Hydraulic Power Tools
  • 4. Conclusion

    1. Summary

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Hand and Power Tool Safety for Construction, Parts 1-2

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