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First Aid - Module 06 - Burns and Electrical Shock (US)

First Aid - Module 06 - Burns and Electrical Shock (US)

Did you know that the heat of a burned area can continue damaging skin even after the heat source is gone? Are you aware that putting ice water on a burned area can actually cause MORE skin and tissue damage? How about that creams and lotions are NOT the best way to treat a burn? Did you know that chemicals on your clothing can burn your skin? In this module you’ll learn about these and other burn facts and what you can do to treat burns quickly and effectively to minimize damage.

$ 29.95
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Learning Objectives

  • Know how to extinguish flames if you are on fire.
  • Recognize first-, second-, and third-degree burns.
  • Recognize heat, chemical and electrical burns and electrical shock.
  • Recall first aid to administer for various types of burns and electrical shock.

Course Outline

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
    4. Knowledge Check: Extinguishing Flames on Your Body
  • 2. Heat Burns

    1. Levels of Burn Severity
    2. Knowledge Check: Heat Burns
    3. First- and Second-Degree Heat Burn Treatment
    4. Third-Degree Heat Burn Treatment
    5. Knowledge Check: Heat Burn Treatment
  • 3. Chemical Burns

    1. Chemical Burns
    2. Severe Chemical Burns
    3. Chemical Burn Treatment
    4. Knowledge Check: Chemical Burn Treatment
  • 4. Electrical Burns

    1. Electrical Burns and Shocks
    2. First Aid for Electrical Burns and Shocks
    3. Knowledge Check: Electrical Burns and Shocks
  • 5. Conclusion

    1. Summary

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First Aid - Module 06 - Burns and Electrical Shock (US)

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