First Aid - Module 06 - Burns and Electrical Shock (US)
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Learning Objectives
- Know how to extinguish flames if you are on fire.
- Recognize first-, second-, and third-degree burns.
- Recognize heat, chemical and electrical burns and electrical shock.
- Recall first aid to administer for various types of burns and electrical shock.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
- Welcome
- Introduction
- Learning Objectives
- Knowledge Check: Extinguishing Flames on Your Body
2. Heat Burns
- Levels of Burn Severity
- Knowledge Check: Heat Burns
- First- and Second-Degree Heat Burn Treatment
- Third-Degree Heat Burn Treatment
- Knowledge Check: Heat Burn Treatment
3. Chemical Burns
- Chemical Burns
- Severe Chemical Burns
- Chemical Burn Treatment
- Knowledge Check: Chemical Burn Treatment
4. Electrical Burns
- Electrical Burns and Shocks
- First Aid for Electrical Burns and Shocks
- Knowledge Check: Electrical Burns and Shocks
5. Conclusion
- Summary
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