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DOT/EPA Hazardous Materials Suite

DOT/EPA Hazardous Materials Suite

This suite discusses two very important topics regarding Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. The first half of this suite provides an overview of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). RCRA is an environmental regulation that establishes a framework for the management of solid and hazardous wastes from point of generation through transportation all the way up to treatment and/or disposal. The second half of this suite discusses transportation of hazardous materials. Hazardous materials are such a common part of our daily lives despite the fact that they can be poisonous, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive by nature. This suite provides trainees with a working knowledge of regulations enforced by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

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Course Outline

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 1 (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. A Little Background…
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Hazardous Waste Determination

    1. Solid Waste Definition
    2. Hazardous Waste Determination
    3. Hazardous Waste Determination: Two Ways
    4. Hazardous Waste Conditions
    5. Hazardous Waste Characteristics: Ignitability
    6. Hazardous Waste Characteristics: Corrosivity
    7. Hazardous Waste Characteristics: TCLP
  • 3. Sources

    1. Hazardous Waste Lists
    2. Hazardous Waste Mixtures
  • 4. Waste Generation

    1. Waste Determination Responsibility
    2. Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators: Very Small
    3. Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators: Small
    4. Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators: Large
    5. Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators: Acutely Hazardous
  • 5. Generator Status

    1. Determining Your Generator Status
    2. Determining Your Generator Status: Exemptions
  • 6. Accumulation and Storage

    1. Managing Hazardous Waste On-Site
    2. Storing Hazardous Waste On-Site
    3. Accumulating Hazardous Waste On-Site
    4. Accumulating Wastes in Tanks
  • 7. Shipping

    1. Shipping Hazardous Waste Off-Site
    2. Shipping Hazardous Waste Off-Site: Transporter
    3. Shipping Hazardous Waste Off-Site: Packaging
    4. Shipping Hazardous Waste Off-Site: Manifest
    5. Shipping Hazardous Waste Off-Site: Copies
    6. Hazardous Waste Manifest
    7. Who Is Responsible for the Waste?
  • 8. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 2 (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction: Preparing for and Preventing Accidents
    3. What Would You Do?
    4. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Prepare for and Prevent Accidents

    1. Preparing for and Preventing Accidents
  • 3. Planning for Emergencies

    1. Contingency Plan
    2. Emergency Procedures
    3. Fires and Spills
    4. National Response Center
    5. Emergency Phone Numbers
    6. Emergency Coordinator
  • 4. Training

    1. Training
    2. Training Topics
  • 5. Waste Management Strategies

    1. Good Housekeeping and a Safe Environment
    2. Recycle, Treat, Reduce
    3. Minimizing Waste
    4. Cost Reduction
  • 6. Inspections

    1. Inspections
    2. Preparing for an Inspection
  • 7. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HAZMAT Transportation Awareness (US)

  • 1. Introduction to Hazardous Materials

    1. Welcome
    2. Your Job Matters
    3. Goals
  • 2. What Are Hazardous Materials?

    1. Dangers
    2. How We Use Hazardous Materials
  • 3. Transportation

    1. Transportation
    2. HAZMAT
  • 4. Regulations

    1. The Risk HAZMAT Poses
    2. Enforcing Highway Safety
    3. Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR)
    4. HMR Rules
  • 5. Responsibilities

    1. HAZMAT Training
    2. HAZMAT Responsibilities
  • 6. Conclusion

    1. Summary
    2. Next Steps

HazMat Transportation - Part 1 - The Hazardous Materials Table (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
    4. HMT
  • 2. Columns 1 and 2

    1. Proper Shipping Names
    2. Proper Shipping Name Modifications
    3. Qualifying Words
    4. Symbols
  • 3. Columns 3 to 5

    1. Hazard Class or Division
    2. Identification Number
    3. Packing Group
  • 4. Columns 6 to 10

    1. Label Codes
    2. Special Provisions
    3. Packaging
    4. Quantity Limitations
    5. Vessel Stowage
  • 5. Appendices

    1. 172.101, Appendix A
    2. Marine Pollutants
  • 6. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HazMat Transportation - Part 2 - Shipping Papers (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Shipping Papers Information

    1. What Are Shipping Papers?
    2. Shipping Paper Exceptions
    3. Completing Shipping Papers
  • 3. Shipping and Basic Description

    1. Shipping Description
    2. Basic Description
    3. Basic Description Modifications
  • 4. Additional Description

    1. Additional Description Requirements
    2. Description Requirements by Mode of Transport
    3. Additional Entries
  • 5. Certification and Manifest

    1. Emergency Response Number
    2. Shipper's Certification
    3. Shipper Certification Exceptions
    4. Hazardous Waste Manifest
  • 6. Summary

    1. Summary

HazMat Transportation - Part 3 - Packaging (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Terminology and Responsibilities

    1. Terminology
    2. Responsibilities
  • 3. Using the HMT

    1. Packaging Requirements
    2. Exceptions and Special Provisions
    3. Limited and Small Quantity Exceptions
  • 4. Specific Requirements

    1. UN Standard Packaging
    2. Package Requirements
    3. Air Shipments
    4. Liquid Hazardous Materials
    5. Overpacks
    6. Special Permits
    7. Forbidden Materials
  • 5. Special Packaging

    1. Leaking or Damaged Packages
    2. DOD Packaging
    3. Reusable Packaging
    4. Empty Packaging
    5. Agricultural Products Exception
  • 6. Exceptions

    1. Materials of Trade Exception
    2. Lab Pack Exception
  • 7. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HazMat Transportation - Part 4 - Marking (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Bulk and Non-bulk Packaging

    1. Marking Non-bulk Packaging
    2. Marking Bulk Packaging
    3. Identification Number Marking
    4. Special Provisions for Identification Number Markings
    5. Additional Bulk Packaging Marking Requirements
  • 3. General Marking Requirements

    1. General Marking Requirements
    2. Liquid Hazardous Materials
    3. Limited Quantities
    4. ORM-D Designation
  • 4. Hazardous Materials

    1. Hazardous Substances
    2. Marine Pollutants
    3. Infectious Substances
    4. Elevated-Temperature Materials
    5. Marking Certain Hazard Classes
  • 5. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HazMat Transportation - Part 5 - Labeling and Placarding (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Labeling and Placarding Requirements

    1. Providing and Affixing Placards
    2. Labeling and Placarding Requirements
    3. Exceptions
    4. Prohibitions
    5. Specifications
    6. Modifications
    7. Labeling and Placarding Tables
  • 3. Labels

    1. Labeling Subsidiary Hazards
    2. Labeling Hazardous Materials
    3. Radioactive Labels
  • 4. Placards

    1. Placarding Tables
    2. Placarding Hazardous Materials
    3. Placarding Subsidiary Hazards
    4. Table 2 Exceptions
    5. DANGEROUS Placard
    6. Placarding Empty Bulk Packaging
  • 5. Special Provisions and Exceptions

    1. Freight Containers and Aircraft Unit Load Devices
    2. Special Rail Provisions
    3. Placarding Exceptions
  • 6. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HazMat Transportation - Part 6a - Carrier Requirements - Highway (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. General Requirements

    1. HAZMAT Requirements
    2. Owner-Operator Training
    3. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
    4. Shipping Papers
    5. Shipping Paper Accessibility
  • 3. Loading and Unloading

    1. General Loading and Unloading Requirements
    2. Loading and Unloading Tanks
    3. Special Loading and Unloading Requirements
  • 4. Segregation Requirements

    1. Special Requirements for Radioactive Materials
    2. Segregation Table
    3. Segregation Table Examples
  • 5. Special Situations

    1. Emergency Situations
    2. Passenger Carrying Vehicles
    3. Reporting HAZMAT Incidents
  • 6. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HazMat Transportation - Part 6b - Carrier Requirements - Air (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Regulations and Responsibilities

    1. Training Requirements
    2. Air Carrier Requirements
    3. International HAZMAT Regulations
    4. Shipper and Carrier Responsibilities
  • 3. Subpart A Requirements

    1. Subpart ‘A’ of Air Carrier Requirements
    2. Safe Operation of Aircraft
    3. Specialized Air Operations
    4. Personal Use Materials
    5. Notification of HAZMAT Restrictions
    6. Packaging Requirements
    7. Additional Packaging Requirements
    8. Overpacks
    9. Shipping Papers and Notification of PIC
    10. Receiving and Maintaining Shipping Papers
    11. Reporting Discrepancies
  • 4. Subpart B Requirements

    1. Subpart ‘B’ of Air Carrier Requirements
    2. Quantity Limitations: Cargo Aircraft
    3. HAZMAT Stowage
    4. Segregation
  • 5. Subpart C Requirements

    1. Subpart ‘C’ of Air Carrier Requirements
  • 6. Reporting Incidents

    1. Reporting HAZMAT Incidents
  • 7. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HazMat Transportation - Part 6c - Carrier Requirements - Rail (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. Transporting HAZMAT

    1. HAZMAT Documentation
    2. Inspection
    3. Leaking HAZMAT Packages
    4. Expediting and Removing HAZMAT Shipments
  • 3. Handling and Loading HAZMAT

    1. General Handling and Loading Requirements
    2. Unloading Tank Cars
  • 4. Segregation and Car Positioning

    1. Segregation
    2. Markings and Placards
    3. Switching Rail Cars
    4. Placarded Rail Car Position
    5. Additional Placement Restrictions
  • 5. Industry Rules and Reporting Incidents

    1. Key Trains and Key Routes
    2. Reporting HAZMAT Incidents
  • 6. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HazMat Transportation - Part 6d - Carrier Requirements - Water (IMDG) (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
  • 2. IMDG

    1. IMDG
  • 3. HAZMAT Responsibilities

    1. HAZMAT Responsibilities
    2. Shipping Documentation
    3. Vessel Preparation
  • 4. Stowage

    1. Supervision
    2. Stowage Locations
    3. Stowage Requirements
    4. General Segregation of Hazardous Materials
    5. Segregation Restrictions
    6. Additional Segregation Tables
  • 5. Special Requirements

    1. Special Requirements
    2. Detailed Requirements
  • 6. Explosives

    1. Class 1 Explosives
    2. Stowage of Explosives
    3. Explosives Permitted on Passenger Vessels
  • 7. Inspections

    1. Inspections
  • 8. Emergencies and Repairs

    1. Emergency Situations
    2. Vessel Repairs
  • 9. Reporting Incidents

    1. Reporting HAZMAT Incidents
  • 10. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion

HazMat Transportation - Part 7 - Security Awareness (US)

  • 1. Introduction

    1. Welcome
    2. Introduction
    3. Learning Objectives
    4. Lessons from History
    5. Why Transport Hazardous Materials?
  • 2. DOT Requirements

    1. Training
    2. Security Plans
  • 3. Potential Targets and Threats

    1. What If…?
    2. Potential Targets
    3. Potential Threats
    4. Be Aware
  • 4. Planning a Safe Route

    1. Planning Your Route
  • 5. Protecting Yourself and Your Cargo

    1. Keep Yourself and Your Cargo Secure
  • 6. Carrier Security Responsibilities

    1. How Carriers Can Help
    2. Prevention
    3. Security Checklists
    4. Responsible Hiring Practices
    5. Facility Security Plans
  • 7. Industry Guidelines

    1. Other Industry Guidelines
  • 8. Summary

    1. Summary

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What is DOT hazardous materials training?

Who should enroll in DOT hazardous material training?

In which language you can do online DOT hazardous materials training?

What topics are covered in DOT/EPA hazardous materials training?

How much time does DOT hazardous materials training take to complete the course?

What are the consequences of non-compliance with DOT hazardous materials training requirements?

Are there different levels of EPA and dot training requirements for shipping hazardous materials training?

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DOT/EPA Hazardous Materials Suite

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