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Tag: risk assessment

Walking-Working Surfaces: Identify and Eliminate Hazards
Walking-Working Surfaces: Identify and Eliminate Hazards

Walking-Working Surfaces: Identify and Eliminate Hazards

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Walking and working surfaces are a critical element in every workplace. From office corridors and factory floors to elevated platforms and construction scaffolds, they ensure employees can perform their tasks safely and efficiently. However, when these surfaces are not properly designed, maintained, or monitored, they become one of the leading

Halloween Special (2024): Three Haunting Horror Worksite Stories
Halloween Special: Three Haunting Horror Worksite Stories

Halloween Special: Three Haunting Horror Worksite Stories

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Three Terrifying Construction Horror Stories Construction sites are known for their heavy machinery, dangerous tools, and high risks. But what if there’s something more unsettling lurking on the job? Some workers have experienced terrifying encounters that go beyond workplace accidents; encounters that seem otherworldly. This Halloween, we bring you three