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Tag: Hazards

Understanding the Dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide
Understanding the Dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide: A Comprehensive Overview

Understanding the Dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide: A Comprehensive Overview

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Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a toxic gas that poses significant environmental and human health risks. This colorless, flammable gas has a distinct, foul odor reminiscent of rotten eggs and is commonly found in industrial settings, such as wastewater treatment plants, petroleum refineries, and agricultural facilities. The Occupational Safety and Health

Most Important Statistics Of OSHA 10-Hour Construction To Know
Most Important Statistics Of OSHA 10-Hour Construction To Know

Most Important Statistics Of OSHA 10-Hour Construction To Know

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5,000 Workers In the United States, over 5,000 workers lose their lives while performing their jobs each year in the construction sector.  A constrained budget is the main problem of the construction sector, which hinders them from investing in technology, marketing campaigns, and business growth. Financial barriers also affect their workforce as
Important Statistics and Facts about OSHA 30-Hour Construction training
Important Statistics and Facts about OSHA 30-Hour Construction training

Important Statistics and Facts about OSHA 30-Hour Construction training

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Keeping workers safe is always one of the most important things on any construction site and for a good reason. Even though there have been big improvements in safety technology and tools for analyzing risks, construction is still one of the most dangerous industries globally. Since 2008, the construction industry
Fall Protection
OSHA Most Cited violation “Fall Protection” For Over a Decade!

OSHA Most Cited violation “Fall Protection” For Over a Decade!

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OSHA’s most-cited violation breach is still, fall protection. Fall safety has been the leading cause of occupational injuries for consecutive ten years. Fall protection is crucial. Every week, up to five construction workers are killed in falls. Fall security is a significant challenge that has persisted and necessarily requires a zero-tolerance approach.

Fall Protection Safety
Fall Protection Guidelines

Fall Protection Guidelines

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The construction industry has the highest number of fall-related fatalities, with over 300 deaths per year. Falling inside an occupational workplace remains a very serious concern. Around twenty percent of deaths in occupational workplaces are caused by falls. As we start a fall protection program, please include all potential fall