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Compressed Gas: A Guide to Safe Handling

As you already know, many industries, including power, manufacturing, agriculture, and health care, as well as labs and welding shops, normally use compressed gas cylinders. But are you aware of the pressure consumed in the compressed gas cylinders? And what will happen if one makes a mistake handling it?

These cylinders are not just tools structured to help, like providing oxygen support. While they are potential sources of saving many things, they are also the source of causing paramount damage. Thus, with their advantages comes their responsibility. Let’s get an in-depth overview of safety measures and the safer use of these powerful tools.

What should we know about the compressed gas cylinders?

The compressed gas cylinders keep the pressure higher than the atmospheric level. Thus, it is essential to use them with keen focus and efficiency. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, around 200 and 6000 injuries have been caused due to compressed gas cylinder accidents. The most common gasses compressed in the cylinder are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, and oxygen. They are classified as flammable gasses, nonflammable gasses, and toxic and cryogenic gasses.

  • Health care settings

Healthcare uses compressed cylinders containing oxygen gas, especially in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings. These oxygen cylinders provide respiratory support for ill patients with chronic respiratory diseases, asthma, or pneumonia. They are also used to operate on patients and perform severe surgeries.

  • Storage of gas in a lab setting

 In research and experimental laboratories, the gas cylinder plays an important role in transferring gasses like nitrogen and argon to create an atmosphere sensitive to the exposure of chemicals. Helium is used in laboratories as it is a nonflammable and non-toxic gas used for cryogenics, magnets, and MRI machines. 

  • In manufacturing and welding industries

It is also used in welding industries and energy generation. For example, acetylene mixed with oxygen is widely used in the welding industry for cutting and shaping or joining metals. Nitrogen is used in these industries to reduce oxidation. In contrast, hydrogen gas is used as a tool to clean the fuel in power generation processes. 

  • Usage of carbon dioxide for carbonating drinks

Even the food industry depends on gas cylinders with stored carbon dioxide gasses. Co2 is widely used in soda and sparkling water, and it is applied in the packaging to reduce the spoilage of goods and other stuff. 

Despite their various uses in many industries, these compressed gas cylinders must be handled and stored carefully. 

Top 10 safety measures to handle compressed gas cylinder

It is important to understand how one can use compressed gas cylinders safely and carefully to reduce accident rates and protect the lives of workers and others. The standard operating procedure has given the guidelines and certifies the course in standard EHS-0001 compressed gasses.  Below are the ten top selected safety tips to promote a secure environment. 

  1. Wear Personal Protective Equipment

It is essential to use protective equipment such as goggles, gloves, and masks while handling the gas cylinders. Personal protection equipment protects a directly exposed environment. It is explained more in the CGA P-2.7 guidelines to use the handling of oxygen gas in a healthcare environment. 

  1. Store cylinder from heat sources

Compressed gas cylinders are supposed to be kept vertically with their cover or caps to protect them from direct exposure to the environment or heat sources such as flames or areas that are having direct exposure to sunlight. This can result in the blast of the cylinders, CGA P-1 tells more about the safe handling of compressed gas cylinders. 

  1. Prevent Tipping

Use walls, caps, chains, or other resources to keep the cylinder safe and protect it from falling and getting hit by things. To reduce the risk of tipping, the gas cylinders are supposed to have a fully secured covering. 

  1. For Transportation, use carts.

The cylinders may weigh lo, but there is a high risk of them falling; thus, while moving or dislocating the cylinders, the carts or floor stands that are practically designed for this purpose should be used. 

  1. Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Before using or keeping the gas cylinders, read and understand the manufacturer’s instruction guidelines. These instructions provide the right way to use the cylinder and specific safety measures according to the gas type and the designs of the container. 

  1. Do the inspection

Regular inspection of gas cylinders is necessary to know if there’s any damage or sign of rust or leak. This kind of inspection is necessary for gas cylinders made of aluminum or steel.

  1. Do Not use Pressure Relief Devices.

Never use or tamper with the pressure relief device as they are critical and designed to protect against explosion by releasing excessive pressure inside the container.

  1. In Case of Leaks

If you notice leaks in the container, immediate action is required, and the alert should be spread to avoid the use of electrical devices and the opening of flames or other gasses. 

  1. Dispose of Cylinders Properly

In the guidance practices for the disposal in CGA P-63, it is explained that the standard disposal of the gas cylinder promotes the safety of the environment. Keep the environment safe by following the safety hazards guidelines.

  1. Be Updated on Safety Standards

Every latest standard and edition is uploaded to the safety guidelines standards. It is important to keep yourself updated on the latest methods of using compressed gas cylinders to reduce the risk of any related accidents. 


Understandably, compressed gas cylinders are the tools that are supposed to be taken care of with cautious handling to use their full potential. By learning and practicing the guidelines, it is easy to mitigate the risk of gas-related injuries and death. There are many official standards and guidelines to ensure safety compliance.  Keep life safe and the workplace healthy by using the gas cylinder efficiently. Follow the standards to dispose of the gas cylinder according to the regulations, label the cylinder empty, and submit the pickup requests. Take a step towards safety precautions by following the safety measures.